Today's PSD download is a cool headphones graphic in Photoshop PSD format. The headphones graphic come in a fully layered PSD file with each set of layers organized in named folders. Additionally, the headphones graphic is saved as icons in different sizes viz. 512x512, 256x256 and 128x128 pixels for the use in web projects. Download the PSD and PNG files of the headphones graphic and let me know your thoughts.
Preview of the Headphones and icons
Author: Rafi
File Resolution: 1200 pixels
File Format: Photoshop & PNG
Keywords: Headphones graphics, icons
Size: 1.42 MBĀ (zip)
luca says
i’m Luca, wed designer from Italy.
Your icon are excellent.
Can i use it into commercial website?
Rafi says
Thank you, Luca. Yes, you can use it in your commercial website. Good luck.
Ana says
Excellent Headphones. I like the sharpness and accuracy as an icon
Brett Widmann says
Sweet icon! Thanks for the download.