Creative designers always hunt for amazing design works from the design community. It is like taking inspiration pills to boost your creativity.
As a creative graphic designer myself, I always go through various portfolios of designers to seek design inspiration. There are a lot of great creative minds out there and their works have always amazed me. It's like divinity in design.
Recently, I went through a bunch of creative illustrations; and have compiled some wonderful art works here. These digital illustrations are not only inspiring but also tell how much hard work and a keen eye-for-detail the designers have put in their vector and graphic design works. Additionally, each piece expresses its own meaning for which it was created and each art is a masterpiece in my eyes and I hope you too will love them.
I am sure they not only catch a designer's attention, but also a non-designer's alike. Let me know what you think of these great works!
La Baguette - Take a break from everyday
NHB – Beauty Of Sound Design
The Sculpted Alphabet
The Boat Race Mystery
Low Poly Objects
National Geographic: Wildlife
Erykah #1 The Endless Faces
Double B Coffee
Pictoplasma Character Selfies
31 day. Movies. Music. Friends and not only
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Impale The world
Some illustrations
Forbidden Fruit
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