If you are a designer looking for simple but amazing portfolio platform, Socialdoe is the right place to be. Founded in 2014, Socialdoe focuses on presenting projects, exchanging knowledge and experience between users in their circles of interests.
Listed are some brief features of the service:
1) An easy-to-use interface with no coding skills necessary and unlimited image hosting.
2) Google analytics integration- which allows users to track movement on portfolio sites.
3) Custom domains with HTTPS password protection.
4) Everyone, without exception is able to connect their existing sites (external links to shops, social media profiles, web pages) and share own portfolio on popular media channels.
5) Socialdoe is also compatible with all major browsers and most advanced mobile devices. All users have full access to the community (next, likes and comments), which allows them to collect feedback from the professionals.
6) This portfolio platform it’s incredibly easy to use, well designed. It’s also worth to emphasize that Socialdoe standard version is 100% free.
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