160 Blur & Gradient Backgrounds For iPhone & iPad
$8.00 $4.00
This is a set of 160 blur and gradient backgrounds for iPhone and iPad. This is an extension of our previous premium set of 160 blur and gradient backgrounds.
The backgrounds come in 8 different styles with each style having 20 images (total 160):
1) iOS Style
2) Dark Blur
3) Business Gradients
4) Winter Gradients
5) Spring Gradients
6) Summer Gradients
7) Autumn Gradients
8) Radial Gradients
Each background size is 640×1136 pixels and 1536×2048 pixels.
This set is highly useful for mobile UI designers and developers.
Commercial License: $4 Regular Price $8 (50% Off)
Payment via Paypal
Size: iPhone 640×1136 pixels & iPad 1536×2048 pixels
Download Size: 428 MB (zip)
Format: PNG
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